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Safety & Security

Whether you’re following your regular commute route or on your way to a movie or meet up with friends, public transit is a key part of your day and no one can spot something suspicious or out of place better than you.

See Something, Say Something

Describing "Something Suspicious" - with the 4 W's:

  • Who - Who looked suspicious? Describe them if you can.
  • What - What were they doing that seemed unusual? Share a picture or tag number if you have one.
  • Where - Where was it? Be sure to note the bus stop ID
  • When - When did you see the person or activity?

Who to Tell

If there are transit personnel nearby, tell them. Don’t be afraid to report something, even if you aren’t sure it was serious. Tell a police officer, or if you're on a bus or at the Transit Center, tell a security officer, or any transit employee. For imminent threats call 911.

Fare Inspection

Bus operators are trained to randomly check for valid fare payment upon boarding. Transit personnel is authorized to issue warnings and exclusions for riders without a valid fare. Riders without a valid fare may be fined, excluded and/or arrested for trespassing. Fare is not required on local Norman routes.

Rules and Penalties

EMBARK's Rules for Riding are available on all buses and facilities. EMBARK’s Rider Conduct and Exclusion Policy includes penalties for fare evasion and disruptive behavior on the bus system. Based on the circumstance, riders could be immediately excluded from the system for up to a year.

Personal Safety

EMBARK's team of transit safety and security personnel are continuously working to improve security through partnerships, technology, and training.

In addition, contracted security personnel, EMBARK operators, supervisors, customer service staff and maintenance workers also provide a presence throughout the system. They serve as visible deterrents to crime and are trained to identify and respond to security concerns.

All incidents on the EMBARK system are coordinated through the regional 9-1-1 system, allowing the closest available unit to serve as the first responders.

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