EMBARK leadership presented a set of recommendation scenarios, developed from the OKC Moves Regional Bus Study to its board of trustees summarizing several months of market research, technical analysis, and customer and staff input.
EMBARK recently released its Fiscal Year 2016 research results revealing that investment in public transportation is important to Oklahoma City’s long-term future, while existing customers would like to see service enhancements continue.
OKC Moves is a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) with the purpose of assessing the existing conditions of transit service in Central Oklahoma and exploring ways to improve the transit system.
The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project will be Central Oklahoma’s first BRT line and will provide a premium transit service to Northwest OKC residents through more frequent service with enhanced vehicles, stations and passenger amenities.
This study provides analysis and information to help Downtown embrace new parking management practices and define how parking management can continue to evolve to serve the community.
The Greater Downtown Circulator AA was the first planning step toward carrying out the metro area’s Fixed Guideway Plan, and focused only on downtown and health center mobility.